Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive
Explore careers in biological science. This site is run by Howard Hughes Medical Institute and includes many types of virtual laboratories, animations, virtual exhibits, and interactive activities.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: The Molecular Evolution of Gene Birth and Death
An advanced instructional activity that describes the role of mutations in the birth and death of genes. It includes background information, examples, video clips, and animations.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Biointeractive: Infectious Disease: Bacterial Conjugation
Learn how bacteria can transfer genetic material to other bacteria through conjugation. [0:23]
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Biointeractive: Neuroscience: Tri Nucleotide Repeat
A narrated animation demonstrating a the DNA replication problem, trinucleotide repeat. Video [1:08]
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: Virochip Microarray Explained
Through this series of lecture videos, the creator of the Virochip technology explains how the chip detects viruses using synthetic DNA and how this technology can be useful in the medical field.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: Understanding Sequence Assembly
A series of lecture clips helps explain how DNA sequencing is done by using the analogy of shredding multiple copies of a book and then reassembling the text by finding overlapping fragments. The ultimate goal of DNA sequencing is to...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: Drug Adherence and Resistance
This series of video lectures (in brief clips) and personal accounts stress the importance of drug adherence for patients on drug regimens for the treatment of HIV/AIDS.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: Cells of the Immune System
Slideshow with embedded video and audio explains our immune system and how it works. Includes a worksheet handout.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: Dna: Teacher Guide
This curriculum guide assists in filtering through the vast available resources from BioInteractive and HHMI and organizes the material according to various topics related to DNA, including DNA structure, replication, and repair.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Biointeractive: Virtual Transgenic Fly Lab
A fantastic interactive laboratory in which transgenic flies are created and used to study circadian rhythms. Excellent supporting information and resources for teachers and students.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Biointeractive: Visualizing Gene Expression
Through a series of videos and narrated animations, learn how evolution affects gene expression in species. Find out how visualizing gene expression can help explain what a specific gene does.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Biointeractive: The Virtual Neurophysiology Lab
Investigate the nervous system by looking at nerve cells in this virtual lab. This lab exercise allows students to experience a virtual dissection of a leech to use electronic equipment to explore the electrical activity of nerve cells....
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Cool Science for Kids: Butterflies Come From?
Hands-on activity for investigating the life stages of a butterfly.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Simple Chemical Switches Steer Migrating Neuron
Page is describing the chemistry that drives the direction of neuron growth in developing nervous systems. Interesting background to knowledge of neuron growth and neurons in general.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: Article: "The Day the Mesozoic Died"
A short article by Dr. Sean B. Carroll detailing the discoveries covered in the film The Day The Mesozoic Died.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: Feeding a Hungry Heart
An intricate three-dimensional network of blood vessels nourishes the heart. Images like this can be used to make detailed comparisons of healthy and diseased hearts.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: Structure and Function of Telomeres
Discover the cutting edge research going on with telomeres. Find out what they are, how they replicate and their role in the aging process.