University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Ph Et Interactive Simulations: Electric Field of Dreams
Play ball! Add charges to the Field of Dreams and see how they react to the electric field. Turn on a background electric field and adjust the direction and magnitude. (Kevin Costner not included). Java required.
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Ph Et Interactive Simulations: Interactive Simulations: Electric Field Hockey
Play hockey with electric charges in this interactive electric hockey simulation. Place charges on the ice, then hit start to try to get the puck in the goal. As the game is being played, view the electric field, and trace the puck's...
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Ph Et Interactive Simulations: Charges and Fields
Arrange positive and negative charges in space and view the resulting electric field and electrostatic potential. Plot equipotential lines and discover their relationship to the electric field. Create models of dipoles, capacitors, and...
Teach Engineering: Magnetic Fields
Students visualize the magnetic field of a strong permanent magnet using a compass. The lesson begins with an analogy to the effect of the Earth's magnetic field on a compass. Students see the connection that the compass simply responds...
Other Frogs Levitate in a Strong Enough Magnetic Field
Captivating information about how frogs can levitate in magnetic fields. Easy to understand, it also explains how the Earth's magnetic field is produced.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Scientific Reasoning Planning Investigations
Given scenarios of comparative and experimental investigations, students will plan and implement investigations by making observations and asking well-defined questions and formulating testable hypothesis.
Pbs Learning Media: See a Reversal
View a computer model simulation from NOVA Online that illustrates what happens during a magnetic field reversal, an infrequent occurrence that may be currently underway.
Open Sci Ed: 8.3 Forces at a Distance
This unit allows students to investigate the cause of a speaker's vibration in addition to the effect.
Exploratorium: Super Sparker
This is an activity using common household materials that will demonstrate a static electricity discharge.
Miami University
The Atoms Family: Static Electricity
This site contains a simple experiment that you can do at home that explains static electricity.
Science Bob Pflugfelder
Science Bob: Bend Water With Static Electricity!
Contains a procedure for illustrating electrostatic attraction between opposite charges by causing a thin stream of water to bend. The site gives a brief discussion of static electricity, as well.
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Charge Moving Through Magnetic Field Lab
This lab was designed to have students figure out the formula for the force on a charge moving through a magnetic field. Then they are to see how the direction of the force is dependent on the direction of the charge's motion and the...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physical Science: Electric Fields
Explore what an electric field is and how electric fields interact with this module. Module includes a video, interactive activity, and review questions.
The Wonder of Science
The Wonder of Science: Ms Ps2 5: Electric, Magnetic, and Gravitational Fields
Work samples, phenomena, assessment templates, and videos that directly address standard: MS-PS2-5: electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields.
Physics4 Kids: Electrical Field Basics
This resource explains how an electrical field is created and the criteria that determines its' strength. Other topics briefly addressed include capacitors and the work of Michael Faraday.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Charge and Carry
This site from The Exploratorium Museum is a full description of a short activity. An electrophorus plate and a Leyden jar are made. The electrophorus is charged by induction. Its charge is transferred to the Leyden jar by conduction...