Calisphere: University of California Libraries
University of California: Calisphere: Wwii 1939 45: Richmond Shipyards
Original photos and informational text provide a look at what it was like to work in the Richmond, California shipyards during World War II.
The War: At Home: War Production
From the extensive PBS site on World War II, you can read about the mobilization of American industry in support of the U.S. troops in World War II. Find out why not only industry was changed, but how the mobilization affected society....
New York Times
New York Times: On This Day: War Time Laws Appealed
New York Times article from 1946 reports the end of wartime laws and hostilities; references to the Smith-Connally Act and its effects included.
University of Notre Dame
University of Notre Dame: The Story of the Steel Seizure Case [Pdf]
Read about how President Roosevelt used his presidential powers to prohibit labor strikes during World War II. Scroll to page 4 of this PDF to read this background information which is part of a discussion about President Truman's...
University of Houston
University of Houston: Engines of Our Ingenuity: No. 1418: The Influence of War
Does war inevitably advance the invention of new technology? Read this explanation of why this commonly held belief may not be true, at least in the example of military aircraft. This is a transcript of a radio broadcast.