Lincoln Park Zoo
Lincoln Park Zoo: Cinereous Vulture
A detailed overview of the Cinereous Vulture. Overview includes a physical description, their niche and habitat in the wild, and their life history. Facts about special adaptations they have had to make in order to survive.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Vulture (Aegypius Monachus)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the Aegyplus Monachus, otherwise known as the vulture.
Denver Zoo
Denver Zoo: Cinereous Vulture
The Denver Zoo features a comprehensive overview of the cinereous vulture focusing on its habitat, range, adaptations, diet, physical characteristics, and more.
Encyclopedia of Life
Encyclopedia of Life: Cinereous Vulture
The Encyclopedia of Life presents this in-depth overview of Cinereous Vultures (Aegypius monachus), including their habitats, size, conservation status, and much more. Images of this species and maps of its global distribution can also...