Lincoln Park Zoo
Lincoln Park Zoo: Cinereous Vulture
A detailed overview of the Cinereous Vulture. Overview includes a physical description, their niche and habitat in the wild, and their life history. Facts about special adaptations they have had to make in order to survive.
Denver Zoo
Denver Zoo: Cinereous Vulture
The Denver Zoo features a comprehensive overview of the cinereous vulture focusing on its habitat, range, adaptations, diet, physical characteristics, and more.
Encyclopedia of Life
Encyclopedia of Life: Cinereous Vulture
The Encyclopedia of Life presents this in-depth overview of Cinereous Vultures (Aegypius monachus), including their habitats, size, conservation status, and much more. Images of this species and maps of its global distribution can also...
Saint Louis Zoo
Saint Louis Zoo: Cinereous Vulture
Discover fun facts and learn about the habitat, appearance, and conservation status of the cinereous vulture.