The University of Arizona: Study Finance: Getting Started With Excel
A great tutorial that takes you through all the steps you need for mastering the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet application.
Google for Education: Working With Large Tables of Data
Students work with large tables of GPS data and sort, manipulate, and visualize the data so it can be easily understood.
Microsoft Education Lesson Plan: Candy Is Dandy
Explore color distribution of M&M candies using this detailed lesson plan. An engaging integrated lesson that requires understanding of spreadsheets and formulas, and logical reasoning. Links to related websites.
Gcf Global: Google Sheets
In this tutorial, learn how to use the powerful tools in Google Sheets for organizing, visualizing, and calculating data in a spreadsheet.
Gcf Global: Excel Formulas
In this interactive tutorial, learn how to create formulas to solve real-world problems.
Gcf Global: Excel Tips
Learn these Excel tips and tricks so you can do more with this popular spreadsheet program.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Rainfall and Elevation: A Charting and Critical Thinking Exercise
In this lab, students will learn to organize and present data in a visual way so that they can then summarize in writing their conclusions about the relationships between the data.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Spreadsheet Basics
A simple introduction on how to create a spreadsheet.