Pbs: Academic Vocabulary in the Common Core: Middle School English Language Arts
This video [14:33] shows a demonstration of academic vocabulary instruction through the context of a complex work, a poem. The teacher demonstrates how to access the literal meaning of new vocabulary and then infer the deeper meaning....
Pbs: Academic Vocabulary in the Common Core: Disciplinary Vocabulary
This series of four video segments features a social studies teacher and a chemistry teacher demonstrating the integration of academic vocabulary into their classrooms. These segments feature the incorporation of general vocabulary (Tier...
Acronym Finder: Abbreviations and Acronyms Dictionary
Journalists are inundated with acronyms. This site contains 240,000 of them and their meanings. Search tool allows you to enter the exact acronym or the first letter. You can even enter a keyword and look for acronyms that include it....
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Developing Academic Language: Got Words?
This is a research-based article concerning how to best teach academic vocabulary. Research finds that most teachers assign and mention vocabulary, but to be effective, instruction must be direct and meaningful. Recommendations for...