Florida-Spectrum Environmental Services
Florida Spectrum: Chemical Fact Sheet: Mendelevium
A summary of the basic data on mendelevium, its isotopes and basic properties.
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Mendelevium
Information about the synthetic, radioactive element, Mendelevium, atomic number 101. Covers its discovery, physical and atomic properties, and details about permissible exposure.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Mendelevium: Periodic Table of Videos
The team at Periodicvideos has created a TED-Ed Lesson for every element of the periodic table. Mendelevium is named after one of the most important characters in the story of chemistry. [1:54]
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Jefferson Lab: It's Elemental the Element Mendelevium
Basic description and facts about the element Mendelevium. Includes its history and uses.
Web Elements
Web Elements Periodic Table: Mendelevium
Good basic information along with an illustration of the likely electron arrangement of this transuranium element.
Royal Society of Chemistry
Chemical Society: Mendelevium
This site from the Chemical Society provides a short summary of the element named for the founder of the periodic table.
Chemicool: Mendelevium
A helpful set of data tables from Chemicool on what is known about the physical and chemical properties of this element.