Florida-Spectrum Environmental Services
Florida Spectrum: Chemical Fact Sheet: Strontium
This site provides a fact sheet with information on the basic data and properties of Strontium. It also includes some of its uses.
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental chemistry.com: Periodic Table Strontium
As the name of this site implies, this is a huge source of elemental information. You are likely to find whatever you need to know about elements here.
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Strontium
Information about the element, Strontium, atomic number 38. Covers its history, sources, physical properties, atomic properties, how abundant it is on the Earth, details about permissible exposure, uses, and possible substitutes.
Wikipedia: Strontium
Wikipedia offers detailed information on the chemical element, Strontium, including notable characteristics, applications, history, occurrence, isotopes, precautions, and more.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Strontium: Periodic Table of Videos
The team at Periodicvideos has created a TED-Ed Lesson for every element of the periodic table. This one is about strontium. Discover strontium with a trip to the village of Strontian, a flame test and some footage of nuclear explosions.
Web Elements
Web Elements Periodic Table: Strontium
This site provides information about strontium and the reactions it has with water, air, halogens, acids, and bases.
Chemicool Periodic Table: Strontium
This site from Chemicool takes a categorized look at the various properties of strontium, ranging from strontium's melting point to its conductivity.