Florida-Spectrum Environmental Services
Florida Spectrum: Chemical Fact Sheet: Samarium
This site provides a fact sheet with information on the basic data and properties of Samarium. It also includes some of its uses.
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental chemistry.com: Periodic Table Samarium
As the name of this site implies, this is a huge source of elemental information. You are likely to find whatever you need to know about elements here.
Wikipedia: Samarium
This Wikipedia site contains a good deal of information on element 62, Samarium. Includes a definition of the element, characteristics, applications, history, biological role, occurence, and much more. There is also a chart and links...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Samarium: Periodic Table of Videos
The team at Periodicvideos has created a TED-Ed Lesson for every element of the periodic table. Samarium is element number 62 and its symbol is Sm. [1:20]
Chemical elements.com: Samarium
A site containing a good deal of elemental information. Information on each element includes atomic number, atomic mass, melting point, boiling point, density, isotopes and more.
Web Elements
Web Elements Periodic Table: Samarium
All of the elemental information that you are likely to need can be found at this extensive site, including atomic number, atomic weight, group name, standard state, properties, uses, electron configuration, typical compounds and much...
Chemicool Periodic Table: Sm62 Samarium
This Chemicool.com site contains charts summarizing the various properties of samarium.