Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway:analyze How Author's Style and Syntax Support Meaning
In this learning module, students will learn and apply the concepts of author's style and syntax.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Evaluate Tone in Various Media for Audiences and Purposes
This lesson features several weather videos, both real and created, to help students understand how information and the tone changes based on the audiences and the purposes for the presentation.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Analyze Texts With Similar/different Author's Purpose
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson focuses on being able to identify the author's purpose in a specific text. Specifically, it's about looking at several authors' works on the same topic and...
TES Global
Tes: Analyzing & Comparing Non Fiction
[Free Registration/Login Required] Resource notes to aid students as they analyze different types of nonfiction. The GAP (genre, audience, and purpose) acronym is provided to use when comparing nonfiction texts.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Author's Purpose and Point of View
This downloadable slideshow focuses on how an author's purpose and point of view work together in fiction and nonfiction, and how to identify the point of view.
Thinkport Education
Thinkport: Analyzing Data Sources and Author's Purpose: Electric Currents
In this science-themed literacy lesson, students learn how to determine the author's purpose and follow the development of that purpose.