University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Selective Underlining
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section focuses on identifying main ideas and significant details by selectively underlining them in a text.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Paynes Prairie
Adapted from Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park brochure, this article gives an excellent overview of the nature preserve and its history. The quiz offers feedback immediately.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin is the subject of this passage and the comprehension questions which follow. The test is interactive online, and may be printed for use in the classroom by going to the site map and choosing PRINTABLE MATERIALS.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Chronological Order
The site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th-grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section focuses on identifying the chronological order.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Chronological Order
Strategies to help students recognize the order of events in a selection provided by a standardized test preparation site intended for fourth grade. Includes strategies such as plot diagrams, probable passages, story mapping, summary...
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Cause and Effect
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section helps students identify cause and effect in literature.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Contextual Clues
Strategies to help students recognize the meaning of words through contextual clues provided by a standardized test preparation site intended for fourth grade. Includes strategies such as C(2)QU (See Two Cue You), PReP (Prereading Plan),...
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Main Idea With Supporting Details
Strategies to help students recognize main ideas and supporting details provided by a standardized test preparation site intended for fourth grade. Includes strategies such as Main Idea Pyramids, Number Notes, QAR (Question/Answer...
University of South Florida
Fcat: Problem Solving Strategies
This page gives students a guide for problem solving. A list of strategies is presented, and each strategy has an example to demonstrate it.
University of South Florida
Fcat: Baseball Proportion: Teacher Notes
Students learn about proportions using regular and souvenir baseball bats. This site contains a complete lesson plan, which is available in a printable version.
University of South Florida
Florida's Role in the Civil War; "Supplier of the Confederacy"
Although geographically out of the main battle sites of the Civil War, Florida played an important role in the Confederacy. Find out how Florida helped in the Civil War and read about the battles that were fought there.
University of South Florida
Exploring Florida: Jean Ribault Claims Florida for France
Find out about the early French settlements in Florida and South Carolina and the Spanish treatment of the settlers there. The site map will take you to many other articles about Florida history.
University of South Florida
U. Of South Florida: Holocaust Lesson Plans
It is recommended that the term Holocaust not be introduced to the elementary student. These activities and lesson plans, however, prepare the student to learn about the Holocaust in later grades.
University of South Florida
Exploring Florida: The Timucua
The culture of the Timucua Indians of central Florida is described.
University of South Florida
Fcat: Bubbles: Teacher Notes
Students collect data to determine what happens to the sizes of bubbles when glycerin is added to dish detergent. They will practice their measuring skills and have fun at the same time.
University of South Florida
Florida Center for Instructional Tech: Famous People
Students estimate the ages of famous people, then create a scatterplot with the actual ages. This activity allows them to estimate with linear equations. You can access the age data through the "activity" link.
University of South Florida
Fcat: Reflection: Teacher Notes
Students use the coordinate plane to investigate how reflections affect geometric shapes. Can be used by the student, but is also a great lesson plan idea for teachers.
University of South Florida
Fcat: Two for One Box Company: Teacher Notes
At this site students use proportions to explore how volume is effected by dimension changes. This hands-on activity can be done individually or in pairs.
University of South Florida
Florida Center for Instructional Tech: Wacky Water World
At this site investigate linear equations with a graphing calculator. Data is gathered from a hypothetical situation of purchasing tickets at a waterpark.
University of South Florida
Florida Center for Instructional Technology: The Apalachees of Northwest Florida
The Apalachee tribe inhabited Northwest Florida. Pre-European contact life, the arrival of Europeans and its impact, and the decline of the Apalachees are discussed.
University of South Florida
Florida Center for Instructional Technology: Tocobaga Indians of Tampa Bay
A historical background of the Tocobaga Indians of Tampa Bay region. Daily life, food, livelihood, and reasons for eventual disappearance are all discussed.
University of South Florida
Florida Center for Instructional Technology,: The Tequesta of Biscayne Bay
The Tequesta native people inhabited the area around present day Miami. Their daily life, shelters, livelihood and the reason for their decline are discussed in this article.
University of South Florida
Florida Center for Instructional Technology: The Calusa: "The Shell Indians"
The Calusa native tribe inhabited southwestern Florida. They were the first people that the Spanish explorers wrote about in 1513. Learn about their daily life, customs, economic base, and what caused them to disappear by the late 1700's.
University of South Florida
Exploring Florida: Nasa Photographs
This colorful display has numerous photographs taken throughout the history of Cape Canaveral. Images include shuttle launches, landings, and even the astronauts themselves. Captions are included with each picture.