University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Fact & Opinion
Strategies to help students recognize the difference between fact and opinion provided by a standardized test preparation site intended for fourth grade. Includes teaching ideas such as analyzing facts and opinions in newspapers, and...
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Organizing Information
Strategies to help students organize information found in a text provided by a standardized test preparation site intended for fourth grade. Includes strategies such as graphic organizers, hierarchical summaries, KWL, and previewing.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: The Florida Boys on the Suwannee River
This excerpt of the story by John P. Jones Jr. is exciting and fun to read. The questions will be corrected for you, so you can check your own work.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Butterfly Poetry
After reading the poem, check your comprehension with the multiple choice questions. Compare your short answers to model answers. Even if you do not know how to answer, the models will help you learn and improve your writing.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: "The Crow" by Margery Bianco
"The Crow" is a short story which has been adapted from the original. It is followed by multiple choice comprehension questions, and corrections so you can correct your own answers. There are also some extended response items with model...
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: The Inverted Pyramid
A short explanation of how newspaper writers construct their articles. Review questions at the end are corrected for you, and model answers are shown for the short answer questions.
University of South Florida
University of South Florida: Fcat Express: Practice Test: The Florida Panther
The Florida panther is the subject of the short article, with accompanying questions for assessing reading comprehension.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: "Zinnia and Her Babies" by M Bianco
A charming story about Zinnia, the cat. Comprehension questions follow, with immediate feedback if done online. Teachers, go to the site map, and under PRINTABLE MATERIALS, you will find the story, the quiz, and the answer sheet.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Death Valley
This newspaper article deals with a curious geological phenomenon which occurs in Death Valley. After you read the article, test your understanding by answering the multiple choice questions.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Droughts May Have Killed 1st Colonists
For advanced readers, this newspaper article on the "Lost Colony" and Jamestown, is followed by questions with immediate feedback. It can be printed for class use.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Scrub Jay Gains Favor
After reading this Tampa Tribune article by Jan Hollingsworth, respond to the multiple choice questions to see if you have understood. Immediate feedback.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: The Virtues of Venom
Snakes scare people, but some snake poison may help prevent heart attack and some cancers. After reading the newspaper article you can assess your understanding with the self-test. Immediate feedback.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Cause & Effect Tree
Strategy to help students recognize cause and effect relationships provided by a standardized test preparation site intended for fourth grade. Includes simple instructions and a visual.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Compare & Contrast
Strategies to help students recognize similarities and differences provided by a standardized test preparation site intended for fourth grade. Includes strategies such as Character Frames, Character Mapping, Semantic Feature Analysis,...
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Author's Purpose
Some author's purpose teaching ideas from a standardized test preparation site (Fourth Grade Reading Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test). Aligned to Florida standards, four ideas are provided including "Author's Grab Bag," "Author's...
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Graphic Organizer [Pdf]
From FCAT Express, this site provides a chart in pdf format of a graphic organizer. Included on the graphic organizer is a space for overall result along with four spaces for causes and their details.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Question/answer Worksheet [Pdf]
This is a worksheet in a pdf format on Question/Answer Relationship. The worksheet is divided into four columns under the headings right there, think/search, author/you, and on my own.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Semantic Feature Analysis Worksheet [Pdf]
This is a worksheet in a pdf format on Semantic Feature Analysis. The worksheet, or matrix, is divided into boxes in three rows with four columns across.
University of South Florida
Fcat: Exploring Linear Equations: Teacher Notes
This lesson plan guides pupils through the use of a graphing calculator to explore the slope and y-intercept of a line.
University of South Florida
Fcat: The Shadow Knows (Ratio, Proportion & Measurement)
Students use their height and the length of the shadow to determine the height of buildings. A great outdoor activity to learn about proportions and ratios.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Bonsai
After reading a short passage, you can check your comprehension through some multiple choice and short answer questions. Immediate feedback is provided.
University of South Florida
Two Column Notes for Cause and Effect
Written primarily for students in grade 4, this site details how to create a two-column notetaking format. Provides a brief summary and a bibliographic reference.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Story Mapping Worksheet (Pdf) [Pdf]
Printable PDF file of a Story Mapping Worksheet. Students identify the main events in the beginning, middle, and end of a story. It is provided by a standardized test preparation site intended for fourth grade.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Mary Mc Leod Bethune
An excellent biographical sketch of Mary McLeod Bethune. It is followed by comprehension questions: multiple choice, short answer and extended response, with immediate feedback. Printable version available from the home page menu or site...