Online Course
Sacred Text Archive

Sacred Text Archive: Development of Religion & Thought in Ancient Egypt

For Students 9th - 10th
This is the complete text of a book by American Egyptologist James Henry Breasted, published in 1912. It follows the evolution of Egyptian religion from belief in the god Osiris to the time of Akhenaton who tried to force monotheistic...
Penn Museum

Penn Museum: Amarna: Ancient Egypt's Place in the Sun [Pdf]

For Students 9th - 10th
The Amarna Period of ancient Egypt only lasted about thirty years but it is one of the most remarkable periods in Egypt's history. It began when the pharaoh Akhenaten, who was married to Nefertiti, built the city of Amarna in honor of...

Pbs: Egypt's Golden Kingdom: Akenhaten

For Students 9th - 10th
This brief biography of Akenhaten (Akhenaten) from PBS tells of his militant enforcement of monotheism in Egypt and the results of that.

Pbs: Egypt's Golden Kingdom: Amenhotep Iii

For Students 9th - 10th
From PBS' extensive website on Egypt's New Kingdom, this account of Pharaoh Amenhotep III tells of his rule and temple-building. Be sure to click on "Amarna Letters" for more information.

Pbs: Egypt's Golden Kingdom: Priests

For Students 9th - 10th
This article from PBS explains the role of priests in ancient Egypt as advisors to the pharaohs among other duties. Find out why the priests grew so wealthy and important in the government.

Pbs: Egypt's Golden Empire

For Students 9th - 10th
PBS provides a fascinating glimpse of Egypt's New Kingdom, arising "more than one thousand years after the pyramids were built." Concentrating on the lives of seven pharaohs (one of them a woman), the site includes a timeline, lesson...
Encyclopedia Mythica

Encyclopedia Mythica: Egyptian Mythology

For Students 9th - 10th
Click the names on the left for descriptions of characters, places, and articles associated with Egyptian mythology. Some descriptions are lengthy and contain pictures and/or hieroglyphs.
Tour Egypt

Tour Egypt: Aten Worship

For Students 9th - 10th
A detailed discussion of the worship of Aten during the reign of Amen-Hetep IV (Amenhotep), including a translation of the "Hymn to Aten".
Utah State University

Utah State University: Akhenaten and Monotheism

For Students 9th - 10th
A study of Akhenaten, his reign and his association with monotheism. Art and iconography of the period are also discussed.
Steven Kreis, PhD

The History Guide: Egyptian Civilizations

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from The History Guide provides a general overview of the Egyptian civilization, focusing mainly on its geography, dynasties, and religion.

Amenhotep Iv (Akhenaten)

For Students 9th - 10th
Provides a concise summary of the life of Amenhotep IV, including comments regarding his legacy in later societies.
Able Media

Able Media: Ancient Egyptian Gods

For Students 9th - 10th
Articles on 28 Egyptian gods and goddesses--includes the deity's symbols and manner of representation.

Bbc News: Akhenaten and the Amarna Period

For Students 9th - 10th
A nice article on the life of Akhenaten and the period of Egyptian history known as the Amarna Period. Archived.
Stephen Byrne

History for Kids: Ancient Egyptian Gods

For Students 4th - 6th
Illustrated reference page designed for elementary students provides a comprehensive overview of ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses.