Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University: Antique Roman Recipes
Provides recipes for many Roman dishes plus a listing of the some of the Roman ingredients such as "liquamen" (salty fish sauce) or "defritum" (thick fig syrup).
Forum Romanum
Outlines of Roman History: The Private Life of the Romans
The complete text of the book published in 1932 giving valuable details on the family life of Romans, the role of children and women, dress codes, water supplies, and much more.
Vroma Project
V Roma Project: Roman Nomenclature
This resource describes the process used by the Romans in naming themselves and their children. It includes traditional naming patterns, the naming of women, and the naming of freed slaves. This page was created by Barbara F. McManus of...
Romans in Sussex: Roman Merchants and Money
Gives descriptions of what the Romans used money for, where their goods came from and how they had to weigh and measure items for sale.
Bbc: Primary History: Roman Families and Children
Learning module designed for primary students learning about Roman family life. Students can navigate through a variety of activities, photos, and videos, timelines to learn about the life of Roman children and their families.
University of Virginia
University of Virginia: The Roman Family
Basic information in outline form from the University of Virginia on the Roman family, including marriage, childbirth, and family life.
United Nations of Roma Victrix: The Julian Marriage Laws (Nos. 120 123, Etc.)
In 18 BC, the Emperor Augustus turned his attention to social problems at Rome, one of which was adultery among the upper classes and that many couples who did marry failed to produce offspring because their romantic lives took...
Able Media
Able Media: Ideal Marriage
This site is provided for by AbleMedia. A description of the Roman concept of the ideal marriage. Includes links to related topics.
Franco Cavazzi
Illustrated History of the Roman Empire: Marriage
This site provides a detailed overview of marriage during Roman times.
Stephen Byrne
History for Kids: Ancient Roman Families
History written for elementary students to learn about families of ancient Rome and how they were structured. Students can get a sense of the relationship between family members, including slaves and elders.