The Official Stephenie Meyer Site
Fans of all things Edward and Bella should find plenty to inform them here. A lengthy biography, information about Meyer's books (including spoilers, so be careful), and reviews of her work are all included.
The Best Notes
The Best Notes: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
This is an online study guide/notes for the young adult novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer including author information, literary elements, chapter-by-chapter summaries/notes, study questions, and analysis.
Cynsations: Author Interview: Stephenie Meyer
An interview with Stephenie Meyer that highlights her first novel, "Twilight."
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Breaking Dawn
Full of interesting information, this site about Breaking Dawn, the book, characters and themes is worth a close look.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Eclipse
Stephenie Meyer's third installment in the Twilight series finds the main character, Bella in great danger. Read about Bella, the other characters, themes and more information on the plot in this exccellent site.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: New Moon
The second novel in the Twilight saga, New Moon continues to follow the love between Bella and Edward. Read about the exciting plot, the many characters and themes in this excellent site which explores these topics in depth.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Twilight
Stephenie Meyer's first novel, Twilight, relates the story of Beela Swan who falls in love with a vampire. Read about the other characters, the interesting quotations and themes in this informative site.