University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina: Constructing Thesis Statements
Readable, but thorough handout on the thesis statement. Covers what it is, why it's important, how to come up with one, examples, and how to evaluate. Bibliography included. W.9-10.2a Intro/org/graphics
Indiana University of Pennsylvania: Writing Center: Writing Strong Introductions
This Indiana University of Pennsylvania Writing Center article provides tips for writing a strong introduction for an essay. Using the following are discussed in these tips: anecdote, startling statement, famous ideas, question(s), first...
Harvard University
Harvard University: Strategies for Essay Writing
This website provides a series of links to detailed information about each segment of how to write an academic essay from how to read the assignment to the final edits. Use the links to the right. W.9-10.1a claims/intro/org, W.9-10.2a...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Effective Introduction, Conclusion, and Sentence Variety
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson focuses on writing effective introductions and conclusions and tying them together. It also discusses varying sentence structures. Practice exercises are...
University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina Writing Center Handouts: Statistics
When presenting an argument, the use of statistics to support a point can be very effective. This handout offers advice on both how to read statistics so that you understand exactly what they mean, and how to use them in your argument so...
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Sample Expository Essay
This site is an example of a well-written expository essay from the University of Victoria. Gives excellent tips for students, such as organization, paragraph development, and support. W.9-10.2a Intro/org/graphics
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Headings and Subheadings
This tutorial uses two short videos and a PDF handout to explain how and when to use headings and subheadings. Video 1 explains the purpose of headings and subheadings and why and when to use them; video 2 discusses how to format and...