Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: Authors: Bernard Edward J. Capes
This site features the author Bernard Edward J. Capes including the full text of ten short stories including "The Moon Stricken" and "The Vanishing House."
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: "Dark Dignum" by Bernard Edward J. Capes
This is the complete text of the short story "Dark Dignum" by Bernard Edward J. Capes.
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: "William Tyrwhitt's 'Copy'" by Bernard Edward J. Capes
Bernard Capes is mostly remembered for his writing of eerie fiction. Read the full text of "William Tyrwhitt's 'Copy'" for an example of his work.
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: The Vanishing House
Read the full text of "The Vanishing House" by Bernard Edward J. Capes on this site.
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: A Voice From the Pit
Read the full text of the short story "A Voice from the Pit" by Bernard Edward J. Capes.