Western Michigan University: Interactive Quiz on Meter
This 10-question interactive quiz in prosody tests you with lines of poetry in iambic pentameter, trochaic tetrameter, and other meters.
University of Pennsylvania
U Penn: Poetic Terms and Types
Click on these terms for an excellent definition of these poetic terms, some from the Oxford English Dictionary. Includes types of poetry as well as terms.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Meter & Scansion
Handout from the Purdue University writing lab that explains poetic meter and scansion. Explains several terms, including the following: syllabic, accentual, accentual-syllabic, quantitative, scansion, accented, unaccented, poetic foot,...
Rgs: Rhythm, Meter, and Scansion Made Easy
This page was created by a 5th and 6th-grade teacher "As a quick reference for [his] students when studying rhythm," although older students could easily use it too. The following terms are defined: rhythm, meter, scansion, iamb,...