British Library
British Library: 20th Century: Theatre Practitioners and Genres
From Stanislavski to Brecht and from Theatre of the Absurd to Theatre Workshop, explore some of the key influences and developments within 20th-century theatre practice.
British Theatre Guide: A Thousand Years of British Theatre History (Part 6a)
An article on the trends characteristic of twentieth-century British theater. Addresses the transformation of style which occurred during this time period.
Theatre History on the Web
This site provides an extensive list of links to historical information, current practices, and to all aspects of drama and theatre. It truly is a treasure trove for theatre historians and students of the theatre's history.
Authors Calendar
Author's Calendar: George Bernard Shaw
A detailed, concise biographical note about the Irish dramatist George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950). Covers his works and socialist politics. Features a selected bibliography of books by and about him.