Professional Doc

Edutopia: Activities That Prime the Brain for Learning

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Brain breaks and focused attention practices help students feel relaxed and alert and ready to learn. Brain breaks create a state of relaxed alertness, while focused attention practices help students slow down and focus on a stimulus....

Pbs: Tips for Helping Your Child Focus and Concentrate

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Concentration is like a muscle that requires regular exercise to strengthen. This article gives tips to help your kids build their concentration muscles.
Professional Doc

Teach Starter: 10 Ways to Improve Student Concentration

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
This article contains a chart to help you figure out the average attention span for the age-group that you teach. After you figure out the average attention span, think about how you can best deliver lesson content and sequence...
Professional Doc

Teach.com: 7 in Class Activities to Improve Concentration in Children

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Teachers need to provide attention and concentration in-class activities that do not require screen time. Here are some things that teachers can do in the classroom and what activities to improve concentration they can easily merge into...