Try Engineering: Stop and Go
Lesson addresses how traffic is managed by the use of the traffic light. Student "engineers" work in teams to design a new traffic light system using new technology to meet the needs of society today.
Harvard University
Harvard U.: Agency by Design: A Take Apart Toolkit: What We Learn From Unmaking
This article discusses the benefits of teaching students how to take things apart. Includes examples of how students record the process of disassembling something, what the parts are named, and their relationships of components to each...
Harvard University
Harvard Univ.: Project Zero: Agency by Design: Parts, Purposes, Complexities
This thinking routine helps learners slow down and make careful, detailed observations by encouraging them to look beyond the obvious features of an object or system. This thinking routine helps stimulate curiosity, raises questions, and...
Harvard University
Harvard University: Project Zero: Agency by Design: Parts, People, Interactions
This thinking routine helps learners slow down and look closely at a system. In doing so, young people are able to situate objects within systems and recognize the various people who participate - directly or indirectly - within a...
Harvard University
Harvard University: Project Zero: Agency by Design: Parts, Perspectives, Me
This routine helps students explore complexity by encouraging them to look closely at the details of something, considering its various viewpoints, users, and stakeholders, and reflecting on their own connections and involvement with it.
Harvard University
Harvard University: Project Zero: Agency by Design: Take Apart [Pdf]
Mechanical dissections are a practice that allows learners to discover the often hidden design of objects and how the parts work together as a system.
Harvard University
Harvard University: Project Zero: Agency by Design: Mapping Systems [Pdf]
The practice of mapping allows learners to build and demonstrate their understanding of the parts, people, and interactions that comprise a given system.