Harvard University
Harvard University: Public Health Pioneer
Biography of Harvard scientific pioneer, Alice Hamilton, an industrial toxicologist and bacteriologist.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Agricultural and Food Scientists
This resource provides information about careers focusing in agriculture and food sciences.
Asla: Landscape Architect Career Discovery
Do you dream of working outdoors? A career in landscape architecture may be a good fit for you! Investigate job descriptions and take a landscape architecture interest quiz.
US Department of Agriculture
Usda: New Farmers Website
Discover step-by-step resources and community connections when deciding to start to farm.
NC State University
Nc State University: Natural Resources Research Information
This comprehensive research guide is designed for students or those interested in the ecology, agriculture, or forestry of the world.
Agriculture in the Classroom
Ag Classroom: Teen Scene
Learners explore science, agriculture, applied technology, and social studies. The resource consists of science fair ideas, facts, career information, and learning games.
Successful Farming: Agriculture Online
From Successful Farming magazine, this site presents agriculture news and features for people who are professionals and those studying agriculture. Links to valuable, up-to-date information on topics such as crop news and weather patterns.
Saltland Genie: Finding Solutions for Saltland
Managing dryland salinity and its results on farmers, farm advisers, catchment managers and researchers/students. Guided information organized in 7 specific units.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Farming, Forestry, and Fishing
Occupational Outlook overview of careers in the agricultural production job family. Site includes nature of the industry, working conditions, lists of occupations, wages, and outlook, as well as links to sites with more information....
Cambridge University Press: Palm Oil
Describes the origins of, European demand for, and the devlopment of modern-day global trade of palm oil.
Agri Ville: Agriculture
This site has current trends in agribusiness and farm management. Offers links, events listings, and career information.