Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Properties of Recursive Algorithms
Find out about the properties of recursive algorithms.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Computing Powers of a Number
Although JavaScript has a built in pow function that computes powers of a number, learn how to write a similar function recursively.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Improving Efficiency of Recursive Functions
Learn how to improve the efficiency of recursive algorithms.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Using Recursion to Determine Whether a Word Is a Palindrome
Learn how to use recursion to determine whether a word is a palindrome.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Multiple Recursion With the Sierpinski Gasket
See a good example of a mathematical construct that is a fractal known as a Sierpinski gasket.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Factorial Function
See examples of recursion, and look how to compute the factorial function.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Recursion
Learn about recursion and how it applies to different situations.