Access Genealogy: Shasta Indian Tribe
This is a thorough description of the Shasta Indian Tribe. Author discusses Shasta culture, language, location, customs, food, and art. The writing in this article contains some negative language that is probably due to the time in which...
Yesterday's Classics: Baldwin Project: More Jataka Tales: Table of Contents
Links to twenty-one different fables from the book More Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt. Written in the Jataka tradition from India, these tales are interesting and teach life and character-building lessons to readers. An illustrated...
India parenting.com: Children's Stories and Legends
Read popular Indian fables, Jakata tales, Birbal and other stories or learn about famous Indian people like Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, Ashoka the Great, or Mother Teresa. Also includes a collection of classic western fables and fairy...