Pbs: Egypt's Golden Kingdom: Art and Architecture
The New Kingdom pharaohs moved from building pyramids to temples. Read about the temples, where they were, and the uses in this PBS article.
Pbs: Egypt's Golden Kingdom: Karnak
Take a tour of the 100-acre site of the Temple at Karnak on this PBS site. Click on each hyperlink or click on the temple map to see a picture and read commentary of several parts of the temple complex. QuickTime required.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Ammon
Encyclopedia entry provides the history of Ammon in ancient Egypt.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Temple of Amun Re and the Hypostyle Hall, Karnak
The massive temple complex of Karnak was the principal religious center of the god Amun-Re in Thebes during the New Kingdom. The complex remains one of the largest religious complexes in the world. This temple gives scholars a wealth of...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Tomb Chapel of Nebamun
The British Museum contains 11 fragments of wall painting, some of the most famous images of Egyptian art. The fragments come from the now lost tomb-chapel of Nebamun, an ancient Egyptian scribe or, "scribe and grain accountant in the...