Media Education Lab: My Pop Studio
[Free Registration/Login Required] Get ready to go behind-the-scenes of the television you watch, magazines you read, music you listen to, and websites you visit! The 'studios' let you.. Create, Comment, Control. Targeted at girls, the...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Digital Citizenship
Virtual learning resource on rights and responsibilities as consumers and producers of digital media and the internet. Click through the pages for more information. Includes handouts, audio, downlodable resources, assessment and activities.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Digital Citizenship: Protecting Yourelf, Others
Virtual learning tool by Georgia Department of Education on Digital Citizenship and how to protect yourself, others and the community in a world of digital media users. Students learn about rights, responsibilities and safety through a...
Media Smarts
Media Smarts
Canada's Centre for Digital and Media Literacy provides resources regarding media violence, media stereotyping, online hate, and information privacy. Each article is available in English and French.
Pbs: Don't Buy It Get Media Smart
PBS provides resources to help teachers encourage media literacy. Access, evaluate, and analyze electronic and print media. Dissect pop culture and advertisements. Use the Get Media Smart Resources to uncover advertising tricks, make...
Media Smarts
Digital Media Literacy
MediaSmarts will answer your questions regarding media literacy and why it is important to teach media literacy. Approaches to media literacy, key media literacy concepts, and evaluations and assessments pertaining to media literacy can...
Pbs Learning Media: Newton's Triple Play: Baseball Science
In this lesson, students watch a video and animations that relate Isaac Newton's three laws of motion to baseball and apply what they've learned about these laws to another sport or other real-life situation. It includes formative and...
Arts Now Learning: Self Portrait Collage [Pdf]
For this lesson, students look at how non-human images can be used in a self-portrait to portray aspects of a personality.
Noodle Tools: Visual Literacy Presentation [Pdf]
Learning to "read" the images that surround us is an important 21st century skill. This series of slides, presented in .pdf format, provides lots of examples, exercises and resources.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Leaders of Our School
In this lesson, students will interview administrators and faculty within the school in order to learn the importance of leadership and teamwork. Then students will create a slideshow using digital cameras and presentation software.
Edutopia: Media Smarts: Students Evolve From Consumers to Critics and Creator
This article from Edutopia offers an overview of both the importance of media literacy and some innovative examples of teaching media literacy.