Komar and Melamid: The Most and Least Wanted Paintings
See the most wanted and least wanted paintings based on an internet poll of countries around the world. Also includes other unique survey information such as America's favorite color.
Kindergarten Aesthetics?
The word aesthetic may seem difficult to understand, but learning through sensory experiences is not. Here are some goals and activities for teaching aesthetics to very young children.
Art Lex: Aesthetics
Definition of "aesthetics" according to ArtLex, a dictionary of art terms. Includes links to other important terms as well. A good place to start.
Citizendium: Architecture
This Citizendium article on architecture touches on a number of different elements of architecture related to permanence (firmness), aesthetics (beauty), and pragmatism (utility), among other topics.
Problems of Aesthetics, by Szu Hsien Lee
Defines the term aesthetics in a number of different contexts including both the philosophy of art and the criticism of art. This is a fairly clear discussion of a rather complex topic broken down into a number of subsections. Although...