Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: Ict: Data Communications: The Internet
Read all about the Internet: connection, connection speeds, searching the web, what to do on the Internet, chat rooms and newsgroups, and its impact. Then take an interactive quiz to test your understanding.
My Hub: How to Create an Intranet: A Beginner’s Guide
A guide and tutorial for those creating a intranet. A full-service intranet resource offering such content as intranet links, intranet articles as well as a project planning tool.
Web How To. . .
Answers common "how to" questions related to building a website. Extensive topic coverage on HTML, Java, multimedia, servers and server tools, VRML, intranet, JavaScript, and CGI.
Indiana University Knowledge Base: What Is Ftp?
Information about the File Transfer Protocol, and how it is used to transfer files.
Website Builders: Intranet Definition: The Interactive Glossary
This resource provides a definition of "intranet" from a comprehensive, user-friendly glossary of terms related to the internet.
Mcsr: Hints for Web Authors
This site from the Mississipi Center for Supercomputing Research provides a continuously revised report on tips for web design authoring.