Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg: Ulysses by James Joyce
James Joyce's famous novel is available here in multiple digital formats.
Fantastic Fiction
Fantastic Fiction: Elizabeth Bowen: Detailed Bibliography
View a photo of Irish writer Elizabeth Bowen, and a complete list of her works. Many link to more in-depth information.
Bbc News: Cheat's Guide to Joyce's Ulysses
A humorous description of the novel which made Joyce famous. Also includes comments by readers from all over the United Kingdom on what the novel is or isn't.
Critical Survey: Irish Poetic Modernisms a Reappraisal
This scholarly article attempts to place the Irish Literary Revival within the context of "European and American modernism - their shared preoccupation with mysticism, symbolism, millenarianism, and anti-modernization."
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Jonathan Swift
Find out more about the life and work of Jonathan Swift when you explore this site. This resource provides links to lesson plans and other activities for some of his books.