Jazz Dance History: Jack Cole
The influence and importance of Jack Cole in the development of jazz dance in the theater, includes shows he choreographed.
Spectrum Dance Theater
This page describes Spectrum Dance Theater, company history, its mission, initiatives, and core values.
Central Home
Central Home: centralhome.com: History of Dance
Visit this site for information on a variety of dance forms. It gives background information on the origination of the dances and how to perform the dances.
Off Jazz Terminology of Jazz Dance
Comprehensive list with definitions of jazz movements, including basic steps, leg movements, ondulations, rolls, falls, turns, jumps, and other steps.
Off Jazz Terminology of Jazz Dance
Comprehensive list of jazz dance steps, including turns, rolls, falls, leaps, ondulations, and other steps.
Central Home
Central Home: Dance Videos and Dv Ds: Jazz Dance
List of videos about jazz dance, from "how-to" videos to performances by great dancers. Ordering information.