Ag Web: Agricultural Information, Tools, and Service
AgWeb.com provides the latest news in agriculture, as well as weather and market information, helpful agricultural tools, and more.
Starfall: Pick a Pumpkin
Create a pumpkin. Select the pumpkin's eyes, nose, and mouth as you read along with the short U story.
E2 Bn Gallery: Countryside & Farming Photographs
This British site has wonderful collections of agricultural photographs typical of farms in developed countries. Many of them were submitted by teachers. Students can see machinery used in farming, how grain is ground, the types of...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Peeking at Pumpkins
As part of a unit about pumpkins, students will learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin. Student understanding will be aided by the use of the flannel board, individual booklets, and Kid Pix software.
Class Flow: Kwanzaa
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart contains a simple lesson covering some basic information about Kwanzaa. Activities include using the paint bucket to highlight key vocabulary words, coloring the candles of the kinara,...