Starfall: The Big Hit (Short I Listening Practice)
English language learners and beginning readers can practice listening to and pronouncing the short I sound in this read-aloud story about a baseball-playing tin man. Great graphics, unlimited repetition, and learner controlled.
Starfall: Peg the Hen (Short E Listening Practice)
English language learners and beginning readers can listen as they read this wonderfully animated story about Peg the Hen. Excellent drill for learning to pronounce the short E sound with excellent reinforcement of basic vocabulary...
Starfall: Pete's Sheep (Long E Listening Practice)
Learn the long E sound in English while enjoying an animated story about sheep. You can listen to the story over and over again and watch the story come alive with animation.
Starfall: Robot and Mr. Mole (Long O Listening Practice)
Learn English words with the long O sound by listening to this read-aloud story about a robot. English language learners and beginning readers can practice listening to and pronouncing words with long o's. Great graphics, unlimited...
Starfall: Sky Ride (Long I Listening Practice)
Learn to say and read English words with long I vowels. This animated storybook about friends Mike and Spike who like to ride bikes provides plenty of listening and pronouncing practice. Great graphics, unlimited repetition, and learner...
Starfall: Jake's Tale (Long a Listening Practice)
A fun read-along story for practicing and listening to the long a sound. Great graphics and animation.
Starfall: Gus the Duck
Learn the short U vowel sound with this cleverly illustrated and animated read-along story about a duck named Gus. Students can click on the word and it will show them how to blend phonemes to pronounce the word.
Starfall: Make a Magician
Fun magician-related activities for early readers learning to follow directions. Dress a magician, then label all the articles of clothing before performing some magic tricks. All the activities combine audio and basic words to assist...
Starfall: Learn to Read: Soap Boat
Reading can be an ocean of fun. Learn to read the long O story "Soap Boat." Read along with audio-assistance option.
Starfall: Learn to Read: My Family
"My Family" is a interactive story which emphasizes Y as an E sound. You can photograph the events and place them on the calendar.
Starfall: Picture Hunt: Y as Long E
Become a better reader with this interactive game. Hunt for pictures words with Y as a long E sound.
Starfall: Make a Match: Short Vowel
Interactive concentration game with three levels. Matching short vowel words and pictures. vocabulary words: red, fan, bus, sun, hat, bag, jump, lamp, bell, duck, tent, drum, skunk, bench, dress, pants, shells, clock.
Starfall: Matching More Vowels
You can be victorious with vowels. This interactive game matches long and short vowel words and pictures. Master all three levels.
Starfall: Make a Word: Ug
Interactive word game. Match the initial sound to spell the short vowel picture word. Vocabulary words: mug, hug, rug, bug.
Starfall: Make a Word: Ot
Create short O words. Drag the initial sound to spell the OT word and match the picture. Vocabulary words: cot, hot, dot, pot.
Starfall: Make a Word: Long O
Make a Word offers an interactive game to practice long vowel O sound. Using picture cues you will spell the words: bone, mole, nose, and robe.
Starfall: Make a Word: Ip
Play interactive game building IP words. Also practice identifying initial sounds and matching pictures. Short I words: zip, rip, dip, sip.
Starfall: Make a Word: Ink
Interactive word game uses picture cues. Make a word by dragging the letter tiles to spell each short vowel word.
Starfall: Make a Word: Ig
Create short IG words using picture cues. Drag the initial letter sound to spell each short I word. Match pictures to make words: pig, wig, big, dig.
Starfall: Make a Word: Et
Interactive word game that matches pictures to short vowel ET words. Build short vowel words using picture cues. Word list: jet, pet, wet, net.
Starfall: Make a Word: En
Create words using short vowel E. Identify beginning sounds using pictures to build words.
Starfall: Make a Word: Control R
There are three levels in this interactive word game. Match the initial and final sounds to create a word to name the picture. ER words: herd, fern; IR words: bird, girl; UR words: curl, surf.
Starfall: Make a Word: Control Or
Starfall's interactive word game uses picture cues to spell OR words such as fork, horn, corn, fort. You must place the appropriate initial and final sounds in the empty boxes to complete the spelling of the word.
Starfall: Make a Word: At
Use initial sounds to build words. Match AT sound pictures words.