Curated OER
Damaged House Near 17th Street Canal
An October, 2005, update on the reconstruction of the devastated New Orleans levees. The levees failed during Hurricane Katrina causing the city of New Orleans to flood.
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Patched Up 17th Street Canal Levee
An October, 2005, update on the reconstruction of the devastated New Orleans levees. The levees failed during Hurricane Katrina causing the city of New Orleans to flood.
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Sea Level Sign Near New Orleans Convention Centre
An October, 2005, update on the reconstruction of the devastated New Orleans levees. The levees failed during Hurricane Katrina causing the city of New Orleans to flood.
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Bbc: Fixing New Orleans' Thin Grey Line
An October, 2005, update on the reconstruction of the devastated New Orleans levees. The levees failed during Hurricane Katrina causing the city of New Orleans to flood.
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Sign Outside the Convention Center
Amid reports that there was an increase in crime in violence in New Orleans during in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, this September, 2005, article contends that those reports were exaggerated.
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Us Marines on Patrol in New Orleans
BBC News accompanies rescue workers as they try to help victims of the New Orleans flood. A photographic essay accompanies the story. Article is from September, 2005.
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Generator Shop
BBC News reporter gives his first hand experiences as he tours neighborhoods stricken by Hurricane Katrina. Very intriguing September, 2005, report.
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Helicopter Drops Sandbags on to a Breached Floodwall
BBC News reporter gives his first hand experiences as he tours neighborhoods stricken by Hurricane Katrina. Very intriguing September, 2005, report.
Curated OER
A Man Struggles Past the Superdome in New Orleans
BBC News reporter gives his first hand experiences as he tours neighborhoods stricken by Hurricane Katrina. Very intriguing September, 2005, report.
Curated OER
Woman Sifts Through Rubble of Her Home in Gulfport
BBC News reporter gives his first hand experiences as he tours neighborhoods stricken by Hurricane Katrina. Very intriguing September, 2005, report.
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A Fruit Truck Upturned by Hurricane Katrina
BBC News reporter gives his first hand experiences as he tours neighborhoods stricken by Hurricane Katrina. Very intriguing September, 2005, report.
Curated OER
Remains of a House in Biloxi
BBC News reporter gives his first hand experiences as he tours neighborhoods stricken by Hurricane Katrina. Very intriguing September, 2005, report.
Curated OER
Queue at a Petrol Station in Mobile
BBC News reporter gives his first hand experiences as he tours neighborhoods stricken by Hurricane Katrina. Very intriguing September, 2005, report.
Curated OER
Flood Survivors Are Flown to Louis Armstrong International Airport
The evacuation of New Orleans is chronicled in this September, 2005, report.
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Traffic Flows North in Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Detailed timeline of Hurricane Katrina from August 28-September 9, 2005. Links to other stories, video, and pictures accompany this excellent timeline.
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Shattered Bridge Between New Orleans and Slidell
FEMA director, Michael Brown, has been recalled from New Orleans in this September, 2005, report. Brown, FEMA, and the Department of Homeland Security had been heavily criticized for their responses to Hurricane Katrina.
Curated OER
Bbc: Police Told to Clear New Orleans
As New Orleans remains underwater, fears of pollution, health hazards, and safety moves Mayor Ray Nagin to order a mandatory evacuation of the city. Photos accompany the September, 2005, article.
Curated OER
Temporary Coffins Are Prepared Outside a Building in New Orleans
The federal government faces a great deal of criticism for its response to Hurricane Katrina, including former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Report is from September, 2005.
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Bbc: Hard Task of Draining New Orleans
September, 2005, article tracing the draining of the flooded New Orleans and the repairing of the levee system devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
Curated OER
Caras Wait to Enter Jefferson Parish Near New Orleans
Article that discusses the formation of the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, the return home of many who were evacuated by Hurricane Katrina, continued and flooding problems. A video report accompanies this article. Article is from September,...
Curated OER
Helicopter Crewman Protecting New Orleans Evacuee From Winds of Landing Chopper
News article detailing the military presence in New Orleans, as well as the continued rescue and evacuation effort. The conditions in the Superdome are also discussed. Video report is also available. Report is from September, 2005.
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A Casino Barge Sits on Land Across a Motorway in Biloxi
BBC News page that features news story links categorized by the areas of the Gulf Coast devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
Curated OER
Diana Womble With Cats
Fascinating look at a New Orleans rescue mission by volunteers who are attempting to help those impacted by the flooding of New Orleans brought on by Hurricane Katrina. Report is from September, 2005.
Curated OER
Flooded House in New Orleans
Fascinating look at a New Orleans rescue mission by volunteers who are attempting to help those impacted by the flooding of New Orleans brought on by Hurricane Katrina. Report is from September, 2005.