English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Inappropriate Shifts in Verbs
Find fifteen worksheets designed to provide practice on maintaining verb tense. These exercises have been created expressly for elementary students. All worksheets are available as PDFs.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Using Commas With Introductory Phrases [Pdf]
This learning exercise requires that you identify correctly punctuated sentences with introductory elements, then correct those which are incorrect.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Using Commas in Dates and With Single Words
Eight printable worksheets about using commas in a series, and seven printable worksheets about using commas in dates are available with answer keys.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Use Commas in Addresses
Fifteen printable worksheets on commas in addresses should give students plenty of practice on this punctuation rule.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: 4 Shades of Verbs [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among action verbs with similar meanings by placing them in order on a graphic organizer.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Plain Words and Fancy Words [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences between words with similar meanings by placing them in the right column of a graphic organizer.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Extreme Verbs Worksheet [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among action verbs with similar meanings by placing them in order on a graphic organizer from weakest to strongest.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Sorting Through Horrifying and Size Adjectives [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among adjectives with similar meanings by placing them in order from least to most on a graphic organizer.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Sorting Through Horrifying and Size Adjectives [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among words with similar meanings by cutting them out and pasting them in order from most to least on a graphic organizer.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: 4 Shades of Verbs 2 [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among verbs with similar meanings by placing them in order from least to most on a graphic organizer.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Formatting Titles: The Box Office [Pdf]
Practice formatting titles correctly by rewriting the titles of the movie posters on this worksheet.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Formatting Titles: Rules for Formatting Titles [Pdf]
A worksheet in which students decide which formatting rules apply to each sentence containing a title.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Relative Pronouns and Adverbs: Relative Adverbs [Pdf]
Practice using relative adverbs by filling in the blanks in the sentences on this worksheet.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Progressive Verb Tenses: A Day at the Beach [Pdf]
Practice writing progressive tense verbs by filling in the blanks in the sentences on this worksheet with the progressive tense of each verb.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Progressive Verb Tenses: What Are You Doing, Ki? [Pdf]
Practice writing progressive tense verbs by writing the past, present, and future progressive tense of each verb listed on this worksheet.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Progressive Verb Tenses: The Word Factory [Pdf]
Practice writing progressive tense verbs by writing the past, present, and future progressive tense of each verb listed on this worksheet.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Progressive Verb Tenses: Past / Present / Future [Pdf]
Practice writing progressive tense verbs by filling in the blanks in these sentences with the appropriate progressive tense verb listed on this worksheet.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Progressive Verb Tenses [Pdf]
Practice writing progressive tense verbs by writing the past, present, and future progressive tenses of each verb on this worksheet.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Cap. Holidays, Products, Geographic Names Worksheets
Practice capitalization rules with five free downloadable worksheets.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Road Trip [Pdf]
Practice capitalizing geographical names by correctly capitalizing the names on the road signs on this worksheet.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Commas With Introductory Phrases [Pdf]
Practice placing commas after introductory elements in ten sentences.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Correlative Conjunctions: Recognizing Conjunctions
Use this worksheet to practice identifying coordinating and correlative conjunctions within sentences.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: The Pronoun "I" [Pdf]
Use this worksheet to reinforce the rule about capitalizing the pronoun "I." [PDF]