Bibliomania: Daniel Defoe: Moll Flanders
At this website, read all twenty-two chapters of Daniel Defoe's "Moll Flanders." Included is a brief paragraph introducing the text and its main character.
World Wide School
World Wide School: Etext of Dickory Cronke
This site provides the complete etext for Daniel Defoe's story, Dickory Cronke.
World Wide School
World Wide School: Etext of Further Adventures of Crusoe
This site provides the complete etext for Daniel Defoe's story, The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
University of Adelaide
University of Adelaide: A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe
This site from the University of Adelaide provides the etext of a "Journal of the Plague Year," by Daniel Defoe. It traces the occurrences of 1665 in London through the eyes of the famous novelist, Daniel Defoe.
Bibliomania: Daniel Defoe: In Defence of His Right
At this website, read Daniel Defoe's "In Defence of His Right." This short story is seven pages long.
University of Oregon
University of Oregon: Renascence Editions: Regulation of the Press [Pdf]
At this site from the University of Oregon you can read Defoe's arguments for a free press as they were published in 1704.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Early American Trade With China: Europe's Economic Tradition [Pdf]
Most well-educated American colonists (including early American leaders like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin) were familiar with the writings andideas of European scholars, so it makes sense that Americans came to...