The History Place
The History Place: Presidential Impeachment Proceedings
Provides the background and events leading to the Articles of Impeachment being drawn up against Richard Nixon by the House Judiciary Committee.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: The Congressional Hearings
Gives accounts, both written and audio, and photographs of the Senate Watergate hearings and the House Impeachment hearings.
Other Analysis of the Impeachment Votes
A chart of each of the House Judiciary Committee member's party affiliation and vote on each article of impeachment in the Watergate case.
American Rhetoric
American Rhetoric: Barbara Jordan: Statement on the Articles of Impeachment
This is text and audio of Barbara Jordan's statement on the Articles of Impeachment delivered on July 25, 1974, at the House Judiciary Committee meeting discussing the Impeachment of President Nixon for his involvement in Watergate.
Other Members of the Judiciary Committee
This Australian site from provides a list of the 38 members of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee which met during 1974 and eventually voted to submit 3 articles of impeachment to the full House.