The History Place
The History Place: Gerald R. Ford Pardoning Richard Nixon
Check out this site for a brief history of the Watergate scandal & the text of President Ford's speech announcing his official pardon of Richard Nixon. You can access an audio clip of the speech as well as view the original written...
American Rhetoric
American Rhetoric: Gerald R. Ford: Address Pardoning Richard M. Nixon
This is mp3 audio and text of Gerald R. Ford's speech to the nation pardoning Richard M. Nixon for his part in the Watergate coverup. It was delivered on September 8, 1974, Washington D.C.
Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum: Gerald R. Ford Biography
This Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum site has an extensive biography of the United State's 38th president, Gerald R. Ford. The information at this site includes details about his political career and his actions as president. There are...
Constitutional Rights Foundation
Constitutional Rights Foundation: Reaction and Reform: The Watergate Scandal
Activity in which students investigate the Watergate Scandal and explore the concepts of impeachment, Executive privilege and presidential pardoning. Includes questions for discussion and small group work.
Ibiblio: President Ford Pardons Nixon
At this site, click to view photos of President Ford as he announces his decision to pardon Richard Nixon in 1974.