Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Find the Predicate
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of identifying predicates. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Find the Subject
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of identifying the subject. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Which Preposition Fits Best?
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of identifying which preposition fits best. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Capitalizing Sentences
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of capitalizing sentences.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Capitalizing Proper Nouns
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of capitalizing proper nouns. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Punctuation: Ending Sentences
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of punctuating the end of sentences. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Is This Correct? (Apostrophe)
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of using apostrophe's correctly. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Exclamations and Commands
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of telling the difference between a command and an exclamation. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Ending Sentences Properly
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of how to end sentences properly. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Beginning Sentences Properly
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of how to start a sentence properly. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Capitalization: Days and Months
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of capitalizing days and months.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Punctuation: Colons
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of punctuating with colons. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Where Should There Be a Comma?
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of where to place a comma. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Are These Abbreviations Punctuated Correctly?
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of choosing the correct abbreviation. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Statements and Questions
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of deciding if a sentence is a statement or a question. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Choosing the Correct Word: Good or Well
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of choosing between good or well. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Find the Object
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of finding the object. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Test Punctuation Activity
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of punctuating correctly. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Are These Names Correctly Punctuated?
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of correctly puncuating names. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Is This a Correct Use of a Comma?
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of using commas correctly. Immediate feedback is given.