New York Times
New York Times: Supreme Court Landmark Cases
This site lists, with brief descriptions, major landmark decisions that have been made by the Supreme Court. Links to actual cases as well.
Cato Institute
Buying Justice: Plaintiffs' Lawyers Reap Huge Dividends
This writer discusses the buying of justices' impartiality by trial lawyers and calls for tort reform.
Justia: Luther v. Borden
At the period of the American Revolution, Rhode Island did not, like the other States, adopt a new constitution, but continued the form of government established by the Charter of Charles the Second, making only such alterations, by acts...
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica: Luther v. Borden
In the spring of 1842, Rhode Island had two governors and two legislatures. One government was committed to retaining the old colonial charter, which severely limited voting rights, as the state's constitution. The other government, led...