Constitutional Rights Foundation
Constitutional Rights Foundation: Centralized vs Decentralized Rule: The Legacy of Alexander the Great
Resource for teachers and students. A study of government and society through a look at the legacy of Alexander the Great. Includes questions for discussion followed by activity surrounding four Hellenistic philosophies of the "good...
Tour Egypt
Tour Egypt: Egypt and the Ptolemaic Dynasty
This site from the Tour Egypt company provides a good, detailed but not too in-depth, history of Egypt and the Ptolemaic Dynasty. The informative is very factual and useful, with links to additional information.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Ancient History Sourcebook: Hellenistic World
References regarding the Hellenistic world.
The House of Ptolemy: Home Page
An extensive directory of Internet resources related to the Macedonian Dynasty in Egypt.
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech Digital Library: Historical Paradigms in Demosthenes' Speeches
An interesting article on the subjects the famous Greek orator Demosthese discussed in his public speeches. For example, Demosthenes talked about King Philip in many of his political speeches.
Ancient History of Greece: Hellenistic
A brief article regarding the Hellenistic period of Greece.