US House of Representatives
Office of the Clerk: u.s. House of Representatives: Kids in the House
At this site, you can explore the role the Office of the Clerk plays in the United States House of Representatives. Learn about the legislative process and its effect on you.
Thomson Reuters
Find Law: Supreme Court Filing Guide
This site contains pertinent information needed when filing a case with the Supreme Court without legal representation. This page provides links to information about the filing time, what forms to file, page limitations, and others.
US House of Representatives
Office of the Clerk: Kids in the House: What Is Congress?: House Officers
Recognize the officers of the House in the U.S. Capitol from Clerk to Chaplain. Roles are described in this official resource.
US House of Representatives
Office of the Clerk: Kids in the House: Art History: Apotheosis of Washington
A review of the artwork of Constantino Brumidi which is found in the U.S. Capitol building. Identify the meanings of each image present in the rotunda.