Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: American Literature and Composition: Postmodernism
This lesson is an introduction to American Literature Postmodernism, after WWII an age of rapid development in science and technology. It discusses the characteristics of Postmodernism and lists some of the authors and their new ideas....
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: British Lit: 20th Century Postmodernism: Introduction
This is an introduction to a unit on 20th Century Postmodernism in British poetry and short stories. Although the works in this unit vary in style and themes, each reflects disorder and an attempt to create a new reality. The unit looks...
City University of New York
Postmodernism and Critical Theory
Explanation of Postmodernism as a theory of study. Rather intellectual.
Pbs: The American Novel: Literary Timeline: Literary Movements: Postmodernism
Brief background on the Postmodern literary movement, including characteristics of the movement as well as as list of popular postmodern authors.