Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Choosing Between Its and It's
This is one of the most common slip-ups you can make in English! Let's give it a shot.
Ab Cya: Pancake Panic Homophones
Do you know the difference between the words "lesson" and "lessen" or "road" and "rode'? Play ABCya's Pancake Panic today to practice matching homophones, which are words that sound alike but have different meanings. But don't...
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Homophone Bingo!
Students match homophones by playing a bingo-type game.
Ambleside Church of England Primary School
Ambleside Primary School There, Their, They're Test
Keeping they're, there, and their straight is an important spelling skill. Practice with this interactive quiz.
Better English Lessons
Pearson and Caroline Brown: Better English Lessons: There There
Twenty sentences where students are asked to fill in the blanks by clicking on the correct homophone: there, their, or they're. Immediate feedback is given on the answers to each question, and a percentage score for the exercise is tallied.
Better English Lessons
Pearson and Caroline Brown: Better English Lessons: There There
Fill in the blanks in twenty sentences by choosing the correct spelling of there, their, or they're according to the context of each sentence. Answers are marked right or wrong with each choice, and a total percentage score is tallied...
Quia: Conjunctions & Interjections
Twelve sentences in which students are asked to fill in the box by choosing the correct word: to, two, or too. Correct answers are provided for any missed questions, and a final score is tallied at the end of the exercise.
Quia:homophones to Answer
Matching, Concentration and flashcards to practice identifying homophones which sound the same but are spelled differently.
Quia: Adjective Review Game
Choose the correct word (to, two, or too) in order to fill in the box for each of these ten sentences. An explanation of the correct answer is provided whenever an answer is wrong, and the total score is tallied and displayed when the...
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones
Follow links to 46 different homophone matching games. Links are divided into elementary, intermediate, and advanced. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage scores are displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 1
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 2
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 3
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 4
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 5
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 6
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 7
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 8
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 9
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 10
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 11
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 12
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 13
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Matching Homophones: Game 14
Match each of these six words with its homophone. Answers can be checked when completed, and a percentage score is displayed.