Meat, Meet, Mete at homophone.com
This short reference page provides clarification for the homophones meat, meet, and mete. The basic definition of the word homophone is also provided.
Homophone.com: Dew, Do, Due
Explore the homophone words of dew, do, and due to better understand their meanings.
Cooper: Alan Cooper's Homonyms
An alphabetical list of homonyms: words of different meanings that sound the same. Also includes a humorous look at homonyms in the "All about Homonyms" link.
Quia: Less Than, Greater Than, or Equal To
This is a website to give students in context practice for when to correctly use to, two, and too.
Quia: A Feast of Homonym Games
Choose to play matching, concentration, flash cards, or word search games to practice your homophones in this interactive Quia site.