Read Works
Read Works: Vocabulary in Context Kindergarten Unit: Using Sound and Picture Cues
[Free Registration/Login Required] Lesson uses Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert to teach young scholars to use picture cues and initial word sounds to identify unknown words. Ideas for direct teaching, guided practice, and...
Read Works
Read Works: Vocabulary in Context 1st Grade Unit
[Free Registration/Login Required] This website provides a series of three lesson plans designed to teach students to use visual, meaning, and structure clues separately and together to determine the meaning of unknown words. Lessons are...
Just Books Read Aloud
Just Books Read Aloud: Lois Ehlert: Pie in the Sky
A video of the book "Pie In the Sky", written by Lois Ehlert. Just Books Read Aloud is a site that includes children's books read aloud by normal (but enthusiastic) readers.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Science Writing With Author Lois Ehlert
This is an interdisciplinary language development unit addressing science and language arts standards designed for English Language Learners. In the week-long unit students will learn the life cycle of plants and discuss various uses for...
Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: Planting a Rainbow
A simple lesson plan on rainbows. Objectives are to learn the colors of a rainbow, to reinforce shapes and colors, and to become aware of how flowers are planted and how they bloom.