Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Abu Nasr Al Farabi
Find out about the philosopher, Al-Farabi, who is credited with preserving the original Greek texts during the Middle Ages because of his commentaries and treatises, and influencing many prominent philosophers
Abu Al Nasr Al Farabi (870 950 a.d.)
Biographical information about al-Farabi, an Islamic philosopher and scientist who "acquired great proficiency in various branches of learning and is reported to have been an expert in different languages."
Univ. Of Texas: Plato, Aristotle, Al Farabi
Explains the cosmological arguments (and corresponding concepts of "unmoved mover") of three influential western thinkers. Describes in detail the line of argument each pursues, and indicates the particular theory of causation implied by...
University of Calgary
U. Of Calgary: The Islamic World to 1600, Al Farabi
Article provides a brief article on the Islamic philosopher, Al-Farabi, whose work influenced the Islamic philosophers who followed him, particularly Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: Al Farabi,avincenna, Averroe
This is an essay on the role of philosophy in Islam according to Al-Farabi, Avicenna, and Averroes, who are Islamic philosophers and writers from the Middle Ages.