Cool Math
Coolmath: Rational Functions Vertical Asymptotes
This CoolMath Resource provides and introduction to vertical asymptotes, a type of rational function.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Rational Functions Intercepts
This CoolMath resource will help students understand intercepts, a rational function.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Pre Calculus Increasing and Decreasing of Functions Review
This CoolMath resource provides a review of functions.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Pre Calculus Horizontal and Vertical Lines Review
This CoolMath resource provides a review of horizontal and vertical lines.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Precalculus Basic Formulas to Know
This CoolMath resource provides an introduction to some Precalculus formulas.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Solving Systems Using Matrices
This CoolMath resource will help students learn how to solve systems using matrices.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Permutations With Reruns
This CoolMath resource will help students understand the concept of permutations when the combination has something repeated.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Permutations
This CoolMath resource will help students understand the concept of "permutations" in
Cool Math
Coolmath: Mathematic Induction
This CoolMath resource will help students understand the concept of mathematical induction.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Some Sigma Notation
This CoolMath resource will help students understand sequences and series. The symbol "sigma" is featue
Cool Math
Coolmath: Some Special Logs
This CoolMath resource will help students learn about exponentials and logarithms.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Multiplying Matrices
This CoolMath resource will help students understand how to multiply matrices.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Scalar Multiplication
This CoolMath resource will help students understand the concept of scalar multiplication.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Inverse Matrices
You can add and subtract matrices, multiply a matrix by a scalar, and multiply two matrices. So, what about division? Well, there isn't a division process for matrices. See this example for how to get around this problem!
Cool Math
Coolmath: Pre Calculus Tail Behavior
This pre-calculus resources provides examples and explanations of tail behavior.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Solving Equations What to Do Putting Parts 1 & 2 Together
This learning resource provides examples and explanations for solving equations.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Solving Equations What to Do Part 2
This learning resource provides examples and explanations for solving equations.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Solving Equations What to Do Part 1
This pre-algebra resource provides examples and explanations of how to solve equations.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Keep It Balanced
This learning resource shares examples and explanations of how to balance equations.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Multiplying Messier Polynomials
This learning resource provides examples and explanation of the multiplication of polynomials.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Number Systems
This CoolMath resource will teach students about natural numbers, positive numbers, and whole numbers.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Properties the Multiplicative Inverse Property
This Coolmath resource will help students learn about the multiplication inverse property.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Properties the Multiplicative Identity Property
This CoolMath Resource will help students understand the multiplicative identity property.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Properties the Additive Inverse Property
This CoolMath resource helps students understand the additive inverse property.