US Environmental Protection Agency
Epa: Contaminated Site Clean Up: Sediments
Explains what is meant by sediments, how they can become contaminated, the types of contaminants, how contamination levels are assessed, and methods of remediation. The side menu links to information about policies, contaminant...
Serdp: Managing Contaminated Sediments
This resource is from the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), an environmental research arm of the Department of Defense. It explains how sediment contamination has affected DoD facilities and what is being...
Indiana University
Indiana University: Sediment Contaminants
This resource, which is part of a learning module, discusses sediment contaminants, problems associated with them, evidence of contamination, and how sediment contamination can be managed.
Bay Area Restoration Council: Randle Reef
Hamilton Harbour is home to the largest and most contaminated site within the Canadian side of the Great Lakes - Randle Reef. The site contains approximately 695,000 cubic meters of sediment contaminated with polycyclic aromatic...
US Environmental Protection Agency
Epa: Contaminated Sediment in the Great Lakes
Provides an overview of the issue of sediment contamination in the Great Lakes, how the problem is assessed, causes of contamination, and remedial efforts. Includes links to more in-depth information.