Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Gallery: Human Ancestors
A gallery of information about our human ancestors. Explore this page to find the genetic differences and similarities between humans and other species.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Answers to Exploration Questions: Human Evolution
On this site, find answers to the exploration activity on human evolution. Questions discuss both physical traits of hominid as well as DNA evidence.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Threshold Card: Threshold 7: Rise of Agriculture
An infographic about how human civilization changed as they moved away from forging for food to farming.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Quiz: The Rise of Agriculture
A quiz over the topics covered in a unit about human evolution to get food from growing their own versus foraging for food.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Gallery: Agriculture
Over the course of many years, humans evolved to abandon foraging and took up farming for their food needs. Scientists are still not sure why humans abandoned foraging and took up farming in several places around the world at about the...
Talk Origins Archive
Talk Origins: The Hominid Species
Talk Origins gives a broad description of the types of Hominid species, and then gives a description of each species. Includes the specific characteristics of each, and explains the differences between the species.
Logan Museum of Anthropology: European Prehistoric Cultures
An online exhibition that provides a timeline of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze and Iron ages in Europe. Click on the tools for further explanations of the cultures during that era. Explanations are short, but great...
Wikipedia: Sahelanthropus
An encyclopedia article on the oldest known hominid discusses the features of the fossils that were found, the region in which they were found, and what this means for human evolution.
Pbs Teachers: In Search of Human Origins, Part Ii
Investigate human evolution by comparing height data of North American boys from 1890 and 1960 and discuss the significance of the data in terms of possible reasons for the evolutionary trends identified in the comparisons.
Other Australopithecus Afarensis
This essay provides a picture along with brief physical description of one of modern man's earliest ancestors.
Institute of Human Origins: Classifying Life
In this exercise you will build two skeletons, one of an ape and one of a modern human being. The bones have been completely mixed up so its up to you to find the right fit. In this exercise you will learn about the unique...
Pbs Teachers: Scientific American: Prime Time Primates: Monkey See, Monkey Do?
Explore the evolutionary advantage of stereoscopic vision and the fully opposable thumb, and describe how each adaptation might affect the use of tools in humans and primates.
Evolution for Teaching: School of Science and Engineering
A reference page containing information related to evolution. Topics discussed on the page is the theories, human evolution, evolutionary evidence, Darwin, and Earth's history.
The Field Museum
Field Museum: Exhibits: Evolving Planet: Hominids
In this effective exhibit, you will examine hominid evolution, view pictures of our ancient ancestors, and delve into three trends in hominid evolution that brought humankind into the modern era. A video is also provided where you will...